Are clinical trials right for you? Are your health conditions under control? Do the benefits out weight the risks? Have the study medications already been approved by the FDA for other conditions? Have you tried everything but nothing has worked so far? With any medications, discount viagra cialis both on the market and not there are risks. Risks for an allergic reaction, recipe risks for an adverse affect because it is mixed with another medication you are taking. There are risks to walk out of your door everyday. Physicians all over the world are prescribing medications that may or may not work for you.
Good doctors use both individual clinical expertise and the best available external
evidence, case and neither alone is enough. Clinical trials are highly regulated. From the FDA to the Sponsor to the Independent Review Boards to the Physicians at the site, everyone is watching out for the patient to minimize risk. To be able to find that one medication that works for you, clinical trials are essential. Won’t you sign up to be someone’s HERO today?